By William Crooker | Honor Cyber Security Analyst
Computers and other internet-connected devices are just as susceptible to viruses and other threats if not more so than people. It’s everyone’s responsibility to make sure that they take care of their devices’ health just as they would their own health. As we recognize National Cybersecurity Awareness Month during October, we will be providing cybersecurity tips each week.
The first week will highlight the ways in which internet-connected devices have impacted our lives and will empower all users to own their role in security by taking steps to reduce their risks. This week’s theme is “If You Connect It, Protect It.” It emphasizes that all internet-connected devices are potentially vulnerable. The line between our online and offline lives is indistinguishable. This network of connections creates both opportunities and challenges for individuals and organizations across the globe.
Constant connection provides opportunities for innovation and modernization. But constant connection also presents the potential for cybersecurity threats that can compromise your most important personal information. Understand the devices and applications you use every day to help keep you and your information safe and secure. Avoid the use of free or open Wi-Fi networks, which cybercriminals often exploit.
These four tips can help protect you and your digital wellbeing:
If You Connect It, Protect It
Whether it’s your computer, smartphone, game device, or other network devices, the best defense is to stay on top of things by updating to the latest security software, web browser, and operating systems. If you have the option to enable automatic updates to defend against the latest risks, turn it on.
Remember: There Is No Delete Button On The Internet
Share with care, because even if you delete a post or picture from your profile seconds after posting it, chances are someone still saw it.
Update Your Privacy Settings
Set the privacy and security settings to your comfort level for information sharing. Disable geotagging, which allows anyone to see where you are—and where you aren’t—at any given time.
Secure Your Network
Properly secure the wireless network you use to connect internet-enabled devices. Consider placing these devices on a separate and dedicated network.
Security Resources
Visit our security pages to learn more how we not only protect your personal information, but also how we proactively alert you, and take action to stop any harmful activity.

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