women store owner in an apron holding an ipad

Business Loans

Choose from several financing options to help your businesses grow. Find what your business needs, from a small business loan, commercial real estate loan, installment loan- for equipment or vehicles, or business lines of credit for day-to-day expenses. We also offer business credit cards with no annual fees and reward points.

We Can Help Your Business Grow

To grow your business, sometimes you need a little help. Expanding your office, or adding a new location? We can help with that. Buying new equipment? We can help with that too. Whatever your situation, a small business loan, or small business credit card might be just what you need. Check out our solutions below.

Business Loans

Competitive rates and flexible terms to help your business grow and thrive

Business Line
of Credit

Learn how the flexibility of a line of credit could be the right solution for your business

Credit Card

Earn reward points and enjoy no annual fees with an Honor Business Credit Card

Small Business

Learn how Honor can help your small growing business with an SBA loan

Commercial & Investment Real Estate Loans



Installment Business Loans


Small business owner of roastery checking his laptop

Business Line of Credit


Wood Designer

Small Business Loan


Note: Before you start the application process, we recommend you build a plan for your business. This will help the loan application process and be instrumental to you in creating your vision for your business.

Postindustrielle Bürofläche (Konzeption)

Open a Business Loan

We ask that you connect with one of our local experts so they can work with you one-on-one to help you and your business achieve financial success.

woman pointing at computer screen while man watches


If you have a great idea for a business we want to hear it and help you make your dream a reality. We recommend you start by putting a business plan together. This will help you better understand what your next steps might be. Get started building a plan

You will need the following documents:

  • Business debt schedule
  • Copy of full federal personal tax returns from previous three years if possible
  • Copy of full federal business tax returns that you are at least 20% owner of (from previous three years if available)
  • Two months of personal and business (if available) bank or credit union statements

Businesses must be for profit and must operate in the United States. Business cannot have more than $15,000,000 in maximum tangible net worth and a two-year average net income after federal income tax of $5,000,000. Business must be able to show that they can repay the loan from existing cash flow.

Qualification to apply does not mean the loan will be approved if these criteria are met. Request must still be underwritten and approved by Honor Credit Union and the SBA.

  • Most loan options require a 20 percent down payment or equivalent equity injection if available.  
  • SBA & USDA loans must comply with program guidelines, but do require a minimum 10 percent down payment or equivalent equity injection.

Zero Down Payment Offer

To make the process as simple as possible with our Zero Down Payment mortgage offer, we encourage you to speak with a mortgage expert so they can explain the requirements and guide you through the process!

Find An Expert Near You

Need Help? Contact us at 800.442.2800 and we will help you get started with the application process.