⚠️ Fraud Alert: Watch Out for Smishing Scams ⚠️

Scammers may send fraudulent text messages that look like they're from Honor Credit Union (or other trusted entities). These texts often encourage you to click on links or provide personal information.
If you receive a suspicious text about account activity, charges, or overdue balances, DO NOT click, call, or respond. If you're concerned or unsure, give us a call at 800.442.2800.
For more tips on how to protect yourself from fraud, check out our article. Stay safe! 🔐📱

Business savings accounts

We understand that as a business owner, you don’t just clock out at the end of the day. Your business is on your mind constantly. Choosing the right checking account shouldn’t be on your to do list. Let our business team help you choose the account that works best for your unique business.

Options To Help Your Business


All business memberships start with a basic shares savings accounts


Learn about our two free high yield Business Money Market accounts

of Deposit

Learn about certificate of deposit options to help your business save money long term

Health Savings

Learn how Health Savings Accounts at Honor could help your business

Membership Savings

A business savings account is a safe place to build your business’s savings with easy access and up to 6 free withdrawals per month. Save Smarter by saving with Honor.

Account Details

Business Savings Account Rates

TypeInterest RateAPY*
Share Savings (for balances on $5.00 or more)0.01%0.01%
Health Savings (HSA)0.25%0.25%
Rates accurate as of Mar 14, 2025

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are variable and subject to change without notice after account is opened. Fees can reduce earnings. Federally insured by NCUA.

Money Markets

A money market account is a great way for your business to earn a little extra interest on that money you’re already saving. One advantage of a money market account is after you make your initial deposit you still have access to the funds. Money markets are ideal for business owners who need access to their funds, but are determined to save money.

Account Details

Business Amplify Money Market Rate

AmntBase RateBase APY*Bonus RateBonus APY**
$0.01 and up0.25%0.25%2.73%2.77%
Rates accurate as of Mar 14, 2025

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates accurate as of 3/1/25. $0.01 minimum deposit required to earn the base dividend of 0.25% APY. **An additional bonus dividend of 2.52% APY requires at least 1 cleared credit card transaction per month on a Business Credit Card account AND at least 1 cleared signature-based or PIN-based point of sale (POS) debit transaction per month (PIN-based ATM transactions not eligible) on a Free Business Checking, Business Advantage Checking or Accelerate Business Checking account – please note that Honor posts transactions based on how they are received from merchants. Accounts meeting both of the qualifying requirements will earn a total dividend of 2.77% APY. Rates are variable and subject to change without notice. Insured by NCUA.

Business Momentum Money Market Rates

AmountInterest RateAPY*
$0.01 – $24,999.990.30%0.30%
$25,000.00 – $99,999.990.450%0.45%
$100,000.00 – $249,999.990.750%0.75%
$250,000.00 – $499,999.990.99%1.00%
$500,000.00 – $999,999.991.24%1.25%
$1,000,000.00 – $1,999,999.991.49%1.50%
$2,000,000.00 – $10,000,0001.78%1.80%
Rates accurate as of Mar 14, 2025

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are variable and subject to change without notice after account is opened. Fees can reduce earnings. Federally insured by NCUA.

man and woman smiling while looking at a laptop in their business

Certificate of Deposit

Certificates of deposit (CDs) are a popular and easy way for your business to save some money and Honor has made it as easy as can be. We offer a wide range of terms and competitive rates for our members. Watch your business’ savings grow with an Honor certificate of deposit.

Account Details

middle-age couple smiling while hiking

Share, Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, HSA,^ Coverdell Education & Jumbo Certificate Rates

Minimum opening deposit for Jumbo CDs is $100,000.00. Minimum opening deposit for all other CDs is $50.00 unless otherwise noted below.

TermInterest RateAPY*
3 months 10.499%0.500%
6 months 11.243%1.250%
8-month special44.07%4.15%
9 months11.243%1.250%
12 months11.490%1.500%
13-month special53.74%3.80%
18 months11.490%1.500%
24 months11.588%1.600%
30 months11.588%1.600%
36 months11.933%1.950%
48 months12.031%2.050%
60 months112.129%2.150%
12 month add-on2^1.490%1.500%
Jumbo 12 months31.736%1.750%
Jumbo 24 months31.834%1.850%
Jumbo 36 months32.178%2.200%
Jumbo 48 months32.276%2.300%
Jumbo 60 months32.374%2.400%
Rates accurate as of Mar 14, 2025

All youth under the age of 18 will receive an additional 0.25% APY to the stated rates unless otherwise noted. A penalty fee may be imposed if you withdrawal funds prior to the maturity date. Insured by NCUA.
*APY= Annual Percentage Yield.
1 Rate Protector allows a one time rate adjustment for 3-36 month term CDs and a two time rate adjustment for 37-60 month term CDs with no penalties or fees.
2 12 month add-on not eligible for additional 0.25% APY youth rate bump or rate protector adjustment. 12-month add-on CD not eligible for IRA CD’s. HSA CD only available on the 12-month add-on CD rate and term. Contact a member service representative to open an HSA CD.
3 Jumbo CD not available for Coverdell Education Savings Accounts.

4 8-MONTH CD SPECIAL. Not applicable for Public Funds. Online/mobile opening not available. To receive the above stated 8-month term at 4.15% APY, 8-month CD must be opened with a minimum balance of $1,000. Early withdrawal penalty is 90 days of interest for promotional terms. 8-month CD special is not eligible for rate protector, a one-time rate bump over the course of the term.  8-month CD special will renew at the standard 9-month terms upon maturity.

5 13-MONTH CD SPECIAL. Not applicable for Public Funds. Online/mobile opening not available. To receive the above stated 13-month term at 3.80% APY, 13-month CD must be opened with a minimum balance of $1,000. Early withdrawal penalty is 90 days of interest for promotional terms. 13-month CD special is not eligible for rate protector, a one-time rate bump over the course of the term. 13-month CD special will renew at the standard 12-month terms upon maturity.

Health Savings Account

Health savings accounts (HSA’s) are a great way to offer an increased benefit to your employees while keeping your overall health care costs lower. A type of pre-tax savings account, HSA’s let your employees set aside pre-tax money to pay for qualified medical expenses.

Account Details


Open a Business Savings Account

To open one of our Business Savings accounts, we ask that you connect with one of our local experts to ensure you are opening the account that’s the best option to help you and your business achieve financial success.

woman pointing at computer screen while man watches

Business Savings FAQs

Yes! We can help you set up these accounts for your employees.  We can even come to your business to help employees open these accounts. Please contact one of our business team members to get started.

Yes. You can have up to two Momentum accounts.

CD laddering is a common occurrence with opening certificates of deposit. You take your lump sum of money and divide it up between multiple CD’s with a variety of term lengths. This allows you to still earn higher rates of interest, but also to have the flexibility and access to your funds as they renew at different times.

Yes. You can download a QBO file to use. However, we recommend you check out our Autobooks tool. It’s a simple tool that integrates with your Online Banking, so you can keep everything organized in one place.

Zero Down Payment Offer

To make the process as simple as possible with our Zero Down Payment mortgage offer, we encourage you to speak with a mortgage expert so they can explain the requirements and guide you through the process!

Find An Expert Near You

Need Help? Contact us at 800.442.2800 and we will help you get started with the application process.