⚠️ Fraud Alert: Watch Out for Smishing Scams ⚠️

Scammers may send fraudulent text messages that look like they're from Honor Credit Union (or other trusted entities). These texts often encourage you to click on links or provide personal information.
If you receive a suspicious text about account activity, charges, or overdue balances, DO NOT click, call, or respond. If you're concerned or unsure, give us a call at 800.442.2800.
For more tips on how to protect yourself from fraud, check out our article. Stay safe! 🔐📱

Zogo Financial Literacy

We’re committed to helping you learn about finances, and to helping you make the best decisions for your financial success. That’s why we are happy to share Zogo with you! It’s a fun interactive mobile app to learn and increase your knowledge of financial literacy. The best part is you earn rewards, like $5, $10, and $15 gift cards from your favorite brands the more you play! Get started today by downloading the app and earn while you learn.

Get Rewarded To Learn About Finances

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on the App Store

Scan the QR code above with your iPhone’s camera

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Google Play

Scan the QR code above with your Android phone’s camera

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What Is Zogo?

zogo logo

We want you to have the skills and confidence to manage your money and reach your financial goals. Zogo is a fun and convenient mobile app for all ages that you can pick up and play anytime. It’s a great way to help you learn and build your confidence by reimagining how we learn about financial topics. The best part is you earn rewards in the form of gift cards the more you play!

zogo pineapple holding a lightbulb

For Teens & Adults

Designed for individuals 13 and older, the Zogo app engages you with interactive content and easy to understand questions to encourage continued learning well beyond classroom walls! What you learn can be applied to everyday financial situations.

zogo happy pineapple

Learn & Earn!

Earn rewards, which can be redeemed for gift cards from popular brands, when you answer questions correctly in the 300+ bite-sized educational modules, by participating in the daily “Pineapple Party,” or by referring friends on the app.

How Zogo Works

Did you know more than two-thirds of American live paycheck-to-paycheck, almost a quarter of Americans aren’t saving money for a future goal, and a third of Americans don’t have an emergency fund? Managing your money doesn’t have to be intimidating when you have confidence to pursue your financial goals. Zogo empowers you to increase your financial literacy by breaking down what you learn into over 300 bite-sized educational modules. 

zogo character holding a phone

Earn While You Learn

App Screenshots

(Click an image to enlarge)

Zero Down Payment Offer

To make the process as simple as possible with our Zero Down Payment mortgage offer, we encourage you to speak with a mortgage expert so they can explain the requirements and guide you through the process!

Find An Expert Near You

Need Help? Contact us at 800.442.2800 and we will help you get started with the application process.