group of girls smiling and laughing outside

Youth Accounts

Honor offers kids 17 and younger free youth savings and youth checking accounts. Our goal is to teach our youngest members how to manage their money and develop lasting financial habits. Parents can be joint account owners to monitor activity. As kids get older they have access to more tools, including online banking and our mobile app.

Savings & Checking Accounts


Learn how we can help kids begin their financial journey with a savings account


Learn about our free checking account options for kids age 13 and older


We offer youth accounts access to online banking, mobile check deposit & more

Mobile App

A fun mobile app where you can earn rewards like gift cards to learn about finances

Youth Savings Accounts

Special Savings

Free Online
Banking Access

No Fees Or
Minmum Balances

Start Saving Early
For Future Goals



Youth Checking Accounts

Two Free
Account Options

Free MasterCard®
Debit Card

Parents Can Easily
Control Account Activity

Easily Transfer Or Send
Money To Anyone

group of friends sitting at table talking


Helpful Tools

The need to manage money on the go becomes more important as you get older, and as life gets busier. Honor has the tools to help kids get comfortable with technology, and feel confident managing their money online. And, since parents or guardians, are joint account owners, it’s a controlled environment. 


Introduce kids to online banking while parents monitor things as joint account owners.

Honor Mobile

A great way for young device users to keep track of balances, transfer money, and more!

Mobile Check

Cash birthday checks & all paper checks from the comfort of home in the Honor app.


Think Venmo, but more secure. It's an easy way to pay for school activities & other things.

Zogo Financial Literacy App

We want kids to have the skills and confidence to manage their money and reach their financial goals. Zogo is a fun and convenient mobile app for all ages that you can pick up and play anytime. It’s a great way to help you learn and build your confidence by reimagining how we learn about financial topics. The best part is you earn rewards in the form of gift cards the more you play!

zogo pineapple holding a lightbulb

For Teens & Adults

Designed for individuals 13 and older, the Zogo app engages you with interactive content and easy to understand questions to encourage continued learning well beyond classroom walls! What you learn can be applied to everyday financial situations.

zogo happy pineapple

Learn & Earn!

Earn rewards, which can be redeemed for gift cards from popular brands, when you answer questions correctly in the 300+ bite-sized educational modules, by participating in the daily “Pineapple Party,” or by referring friends on the app.

Frequently Asked Questions

Honor’s online banking and mobile app have a See/Jump feature built in that allows parents/guardians access to the youth accounts.

This feature allows you to:

  • See: Monitor balances, transaction activity, account summaries, etc.
  • Jump: Gives parents/guardians the ability to log into their child’s accounts. They can make transfers, change preferences, and do almost anything else, except apply for a loan.

To sign up for See/Jump, please call or text 800.442.2800, or visit a local Honor member center.
(Note: Parents/guardians must be joint owners of the youth’s account(s) for permission to be granted access.)

Yes, a minor that is at least 13 years old with an Honor checking account will receive a debit card.

Yes, in EXTREME circumstances a minor between the ages of 13-17 can open a checking account on their own. We understand a minor may not have a responsible adult in their life. We will review those circumstances on a case-by-case basis and work with the member to set them up for success!

No. Minors cannot use Courtesy Pay with their checking accounts.

We cannot legally go after the minor for any funds. If there is an adult on the account, we will try to reach out to them to retrieve the funds.

Only the minor’s social security number is needed to open the initial Youth Savings Account. The parent/guardian social security number is needed to link the two accounts.